CAN we all agree that when we are driving, people should just give way to people in front in normal traffic conditions? I think we should.
HOWEVER some b****** can just attempt to speed up to ohh say 130km/h in an 80 zone just to pass you but still fail... This happened to me today. I was trying to merge into the left lane because my lane was a merging lane. However this Ford 4WD just did not seem to want me to be in front of his bomb for some reason...May have been my provocative techno music playing in my car but it was only stereophobia playing so I have no idea why he tried to rear into my car...
The only time I believe you should not let every car go in front of you is during a traffic jam... THIS also happened to me today as well. Some idiot driver in a Hyundai on Heatherton Road decided to allow every single car get in front of him during peak hour while deciding to blare his car horn at them for cutting in front...
Overall, people on the road really need to learn how to give way to people at the right times... Give way to people in front but at the right times... It saves a lot of stress for everyone and avoids a lot of accidents.
ALSO do not try to race against P platers with a sports car playing techno music during the night because you will simply just lose to them.
"May the give way force be with you" - Eddie =]
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